Lubin mine, located 347km south-west of Warsaw, Poland, ranks as the fifth biggest silver mine in the world. The mine was estimated to contain 442.4Moz of silver, including 254.8Moz of proven and 187.6Moz of probable silver reserves as of December 2011. The copper-silver mine is one of the three mines owned and operated by KGHM in the Legnica-Glogów copper basin of Poland. Lubin mine has been operational since 1968. It is an underground mining operation extracting ore from the Lubin-Malomice deposit discovered in 1957. It is comprised nine working sections at a depth of 610m to 850m. Room-and-pillar method with hydraulic backfill is used for the mining. The extracted ore is sent to the ore enrichment plants. The mine produces approximately 13Moz of silver per year - "".
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