CONGRATULATIONS MOSCOW GROUP!!A warm congrats to these exceptional group of guys and girls from one of the coldest countries. These guys were quite interested in...
HAULSIM PRODUCTIVITY SIMULATIONS!!Are you 100% confident that your Excel calculations are correct in determining fleet numbers? Are your roads accurately set-up in terms...
MOSCOW!!Flying to this incredible city tonight to present RPMGlobal's Professional Development course to a client next week. The course is split...
MINE SCHEDULING!!Know the feeling... when you're losing precious time because of fighting the software instead of running iterations and scenarios... You...
WELL DONE KOLOMELA!!Very proud of these vibrant mining engineers from Kolomela mine that completed their HAULSIM training over the past 2 days. Kolomela's...
MINE DESIGN!!How sure are you that your mine designs have the minimum number of switchbacks? Have you tested the impact of having one switchback less,...
SHOWCASE IRON ORE MINE OF THE WEEK – CARAJAS MINE!!The Carajás Mine is the largest iron ore mine in the world. It is located in the municipality of Parauapebas, state of Pará in the...